Load pin shackle
Robust, compact high tensile steel design from 3.25Te to 2000Te.
Digital pad eye tester
Digital pad eye tester
Airskates are an innovative and cost-effective solution for moving heavy loads
Portable, flexible & ready right out of the box.
Load links
Accurate and reliable tensile load monitoring for lifting applications.
Load pins
Accurate real-time load monitoring of any load bearing pin connection or joint.
Running line tensiometer
For winch, crane, towing, laying and tensioning applications.
Compressive load cell
Compressive load monitoring indoors, outdoors or subsea.
Load cell data logging
LMS-LOG100 Advanced data logging software provides real time monitoring of up to 100 load cell devices simultaneously.
Air moving systems
LMS-LOG100 Advanced data logging software provides real time monitoring of up to 100 load cell devices simultaneously.
Air moving systems
LMS-LOG100 Advanced data logging software provides real time monitoring of up to 100 load cell devices simultaneously.