LSA inspection & safety
Worldwide services
• Inspection, Third-Party Verification, and Certification
• Non-Destructive Testing of steel ropes using a Magnetic Rope Testing (MRT) method.
• Complete initial condition surveys, evaluation of equipment, condition rating, and periodic inspection to ensure the availability of a large range of equipment.
• Lifting Equipment Services and Maintenance on various equipment
• Initial, annual, 6 months, five-year inspection and certification of lifting equipment and multi-brand certification and inspections of LARS system, winches, deck & offshore cranes
• Initial, annual and five yearly multi-brand inspections of LSA equipment
• Wire rope lubrication
• Annual and five yearly Inspections for accommodation ladder and gangway
Safety/LSA inspection and re-certification
We are a certified service provider for the inspection, third-party verification maintenance.
and certification of lifeboats, mob boats, davits, ramps, release mechanisms and hooks.
Vda lifting as, located on the center of the Karmøy Island, west of Haugesund city.
VDA Lifting as provided multi-skilled inspectors, certification services for onshore and offshore, maritime and OGP industry of lifting equipment, cranes and LSA equipment worldwide.
Why choose VDA Lifting as:
Multi-skilled certified inspectors
Redundant test equipment
Meticulous and effective
Support in critical test operations
Focus on cost control
Fixed price vs hour per hour
Minimise travel time and travel cost
No hidden “cost–surprises”
Approved organisations
• Approval as qualified yard/workshop by NMA In accordance with “Regulation of 17 January 1978 No. 4 concerning Cargo-Handling Appliances in Ships
DNV approval (RO), as Service Supplier for Maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats (including free-fall lifeboats) and rescue boats (including fast rescue boats), launching appliances and release gear, and lifting appliances.The recognition is in accordance with Resolution MSC.402(96) Annex, Section 7 & 8 and IACS UR Z17
• CRALOG authorized service provider for lifeboats, davits, lifesaving appliances
• Norwegian Maritime Authority, as B-1 for offshore cranes on MODU and vessels
• DNV-GL approval as service supplier for Maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gear, in accordance with Class Programme
• Non-Destructive Testing of steel ropes using a Magnetic Rope Testing (MRT) method with certificate of competence in NDT according to PN-EN ISO 9712
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